Rockhe Kim’s Line Drawing Technique Vol.1 (영문판)
  • Rockhe Kim’s Line Drawing Technique Vol.1 (영문판)

Rockhe Kim’s Line Drawing Technique Vol.1 (영문판)

할인 : 적립 마일리지 :
0원 / 주문시결제(선결제) 조건별배송 지역별추가배송비
방문 수령지 : 서울특별시 마포구 독막로31길 9, 2층
김락희 (지은이), 윤관현 (감수)
Rockhe Kim’s Line Drawing Technique Vol.1 (영문판)
총 상품금액
총 할인금액
총 합계금액


The sequel to Rockhe Kim’s Anatomy Drawing Class!

Rockhe Kim’s Anatomy Drawing Class is an introductory human anatomy drawing book for beginners of Rockhe Kim, published in Korea in 2019 and sold more than 100,000 copies.

Rockhe Kim’s Line Drawing Technique, recently published and best-selling in Korea, consists of simple anatomical and real-life drawing materials, including shaping, to understand the human body from various angles and movements through line drawing. This time, it has been newly created so that you can see the proportion and balance of the human body at a glance in a more compact book than Rockhe Kim’s Anatomy Drawing Class.



PART 01|Shaping
Understanding human body ratio and flow through body boxes
Human body ratio and flow from high and low angles
Careful! Shortening lower body length based on POV
Neck length and head ratio
Postures requiring shortening and overlapping

PART 02|Upper Body Forms & Movements
The arm: collarbone and shoulder blade movements
Shoulder and elbow movements
Neck movements and the trapezius muscle

PART 03|Lower Body Foundation
Body frame flow and depth
Driving principles of the knee joints
Lower body shaping and various poses

PART 04|The Face
Facial shaping from various angles
Neck muscle foundation simplified
Various facial expressions

PART 05|Upper Body Postures
Upper body postures based on gender and age
Upper body postures from various angles
Changes in shoulder form based on movements of arms
Upper body physique, shaping, and anatomy step-by-step
Getting a feel for depth through shading

PART 06|The Arms
Arm forms and movements from various angles
Wrist movements from various angles
The main muscles of the arm
Arm forms and movements in various postures
The muscles connected to the arm
Comparing muscular and larger bodies

PART 07|The Legs
Leg forms and movements from various angles
Observing butt muscles in various postures
Understanding thigh muscles
Locating the ischial tuberosity
Knee joint forms and movements
360° view of the lower body
Understanding leg forms in various postures
The main muscles of the leg
Various postures of a woman’s lower body
Various postures of the upper and lower body

PART 08|Women’s Breast Forms
Understanding the breasts and gravity
Applying depth to the breasts


김락희 (지은이), 윤관현 (감수)

상품필수 정보

도서명 Rockhe Kim’s Line Drawing Technique Vol.1 (영문판)
저자/출판사 김락희 (지은이), 윤관현 (감수),성안당
크기/전자책용량 260*190*18
쪽수 312쪽
제품 구성 상품상세참조
출간일 2023-11-22
목차 또는 책소개 상품상세참조


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반품/교환 가능 기간 

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반품/교환 불가 사유

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- 소비자의 사용, 포장 개봉에 의해 가치가 현저히 감소한 경우

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상품 환불 규정 

- 상품 철회 가능기간은 상품 수령일로 부터 7일 이내 입니다.

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Rockhe Kim’s Line Drawing Technique Vol.1 (영문판)
  • Rockhe Kim’s Line Drawing Technique Vol.1 (영문판)

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